11 steps in Website Design Pt.1


Any WordPress website designer Should know:

  • Who are the target users of website design?
  • Consider your website size as a WordPress website
  • The role of content in website design
  • Images
  • Brand
  1. Who are the target users of website design?

As a WordPress website designer, It is an important issue to consider the target users of websites in website design. Ask yourself who are the target users of your website? Spend some time recognizing your target users and audience. For example, if you are designing a website for selling clothes to the youth population, you are better to follow the pop culture and its attributes in designing your website.


  1. Consider your website size as a WordPress website designer

Having specified your audience, the next step is to plan for your website structure. Thinking about this property is considered a major plan. In this step, you should design the website map and start from the top of the homepage. You should include a map of all the pages on your homepage. In the next step, insert a “back to homepage” key in all the minor pages and note what other pages should each page be linked to? These pages can include contact us as a WordPress website designer, more content, and other blogs. Consider the website size and scale and the information you want to present in designing your website.


  1. The role of content in website design

The content of website design refers to the matters presented on the website. When the website plan is determined, this factor is not prioritized as an important issue, but its assessment should not be ignored. In a research (2016) in which the users were allowed to use and visit the content of a website for 15 minutes, about 59% of the users reported that they preferred the attractive design over the content of a website. So, it is important to observe a combination of attractive design and interesting content.

wordpress website designer

  1. Images

The image plays a significant role in website design. When the content of your website is prepared, you should specify where to insert the images and the type of the used images. In the step, you have a limited number of choices. First, you can take your website images by yourself. It is a quick method with the minimum cost. Nevertheless, you may not be a professional photographer. In this situation, you can get appropriate images for your website at a reasonable cost. So, you may have an inclusive online archive of these images. However, note that the images included in archives are general and they might be not useful enough to represent the power of the brand well.


  1. Brand

The fifth issue about website design is about branding. Some brands are only represented by websites. So, it is the only way to present and offer the brand in business areas. It should be noted to consider the brand image before starting to design and form the website. A website is not only designed for a specific goal; rather, you should carefully investigate all the previous instances of branding and in the case of lack of any already developed brand, you should try to create the brand identity. It is where you can express your flexibility in website design.

Here, several questions should be considered in website design:

  • Is there any logo to be presented?
  • What is your desired font?
  • What is the color used in website design?
  • How are the other designing elements?

For more steps please check our next blog post. it will be related to WordPress website designer.

11 steps in Website Design Pt.2

design a Wordpress website

For those who want to design a WordPress website like a pro:

  1. design a WordPress website Ease of use

The sixth issue in website design is ease of use. In terms of visual items, ease of use is a vital factor in the success of website design. One of the main components in this area is compatibility. You should analyze all the elements you want to use including the keys, menus, and modes. If you want to insert the clickable elements inside round rectangles, all the keys should be inside the same rectangles.


  1. Layout

The seventh issue in website design is the website map and layout. The website design should be done with the same principles as those of designing a poster or homepage. It is significantly important to organize a page so that there is a balance between the texts and images. More than half of the users believe that website design is important for observing online content. It is necessary to use a simple structure for the users’ easy access. The higher is the clarity of different layers and levels of a website, the higher will be the level of guidance. If you want to prevent the users’ confusion in your website, you should minimize its visual signs. Before developing the final design, you should consider the website structure. In this way, you can easily change the website design and test its function. You should continue this process until reaching the optimal design.


  1. design a WordPress website Responsiveness and quick reaction

The eighth issue in website design is about responsiveness and quick reaction to the users’ needs. Nowadays, people use the internet in different ways. They connect to the internet via different devices from smartphones to large TVs. So, there are various displays with different sizes to visit websites. According to a study, people use five different devices to connect the internet and websites on average. It shows the importance of the compatibility and quick response of your website to different devices. A website that is compatible with different devices provides a favorable experience for the users and it is an effective factor in user retention.


  1. Inspiration for website design 

The ninth issue in website design is the inspiration and the attitude towards the well-known websites. There are a lot of websites you can be inspired by. Some of these websites such as Dribbble, Behance, and Awwwards are great sources of amazing website designs. They can be considered excellent ideas if you are still committed to your ideals. You can experience new ideas by observing different designing elements with which you have not come up yet.

design a WordPress website

  1. Analysis

The tenth issue in website design is website analysis. Now, you design a WordPress website and run your website. If you want to see how your company and brand are presented and how customers evaluate your content, you are on the right path. You want to have a website that can simultaneously cover the company and the customers’ needs. In this stage, you have not been finished with this process. Rather, you are at the starting point. If you have set everything properly, you will not be concerned about the necessity of making a change in your website. The analysis is considered a great way to advance and grow your business.


  1. Multistage experiment

The eleventh issue in design a WordPress website is a multistage and detailed experiment of the website and its different components. Note that in the beginning, your website does not need to be perfect. It is a key point that prevents many people from moving towards the next step. They assume that the developed website should be perfect in all aspects. As already stated, you should spend enough time to investigate these factors while designing the website plot and structure. How you want your website to be presented and how your website strategy is designed are the factors you should have already focused on well. So, after running your website, you should test its different pages.